Our new Crest was created in 2020 to identify and reflect our rich history, connection to our church and founding orders. Through our shared vision, St Mary's is committed to building a strong faith community, guided by the Gospel values of Service, Courage and Justice.
When considering the new design, each original Crest from the Parish, Primary and the College was reviewed and significant commonality within each was selected, images of the Bible, Lamp of Knowledge, Celtic Cross and the Star of Mary were symbols tied to the values of our founding orders who first offered a Catholic education to this community and have been part of the Crests and church image for the last 50 years.
Looking to the future, both St Mary's Primary and College are working together, to integrate advanced learning pathways for the benefit of student’s educational growth, from Prep right through to Year 12. Embracing the benefits of separate campuses, the two entities are joined not only by faith but also in the shared goal of strengthening the Maryborough Community in providing excellent learning opportunities for their students.

© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Mary's College (2020)