St. Mary's College is aiming to create a supportive, inclusive and faith driven college community that is comprised of students, staff, parents and the wider community working together to improve student outcomes. The College focuses on the integration of our faith within our daily lives and living to the College values of 'Service' 'Courage' and 'Justice' The emphasis is on developing the whole person academically, spiritually, socially, culturally, physically and emotionally.
Much consideration is given to the changing needs of students as they develop foundational skills and knowledge and then begin to explore ways of applying these fundamentals to a broad range of applications.
Our goal as educators is to support all students academically and socially. We will make every effort so all students' progress as successful and literate members of society and be able to succeed in the increasingly complex world in which they will live and work. The staff at St. Mary's College has high expectations for all students to enable them to fulfil their dreams and achieve their ambitions.