The move from primary to secondary school is a major milestone for your child and creates big changes in their life, development and education. Secondary school is an opportunity for your child to be challenged and to develop the valuable skills they will take with them into their adult life. Leaving the familiar surroundings of primary school will be both exciting and daunting for both you and your child.

We have purpose-built classrooms for the Year 7's and we have worked tirelessly to ensure a smooth transition from primary to secondary. Our transition program ensures students are given many opportunities to visit the College and participate in a ra ng e of activities . These programs will equip students with the confidence necessary as they begin this exciting journey and life in secondary school.
In Years 7 and 8, the Middle Years students study a range of core and rotational subjects to ensure that they experience a wide range of learning opportunities that enhance their knowledge and skills.
In Year 9, students have the exciting opportunity to choose electives whilst still maintaining a strong focus on the essential core subjects. This introduction to more personalised learning allows them to begin to develop their interests and talents in preparation for the Senior School.
Transition to Middle Schooling
Year 5:
Experience the College on Taster Day
See our facilities on one of our Campus Tours

Year 6
Experience more of the College on Taster Day
Meet your classmates and teachers on Orientation Day
Have your questions answered at our Parent Drop-In Evening
See our facilities on one of our Campus Tours

Year 7
Meet new families and teachers at our Welcome BBQ and Information Evening
Build relationships and resilience on our Team Building Camp
Experience a wide range of learning opportunities across all core and elective subjects
Focus on relationships, well-being and learning skills during Pastoral Care

Year 8
Consolidate your 21st century learning skills
Prepare for Year 9 with increased rigour and independent learning

Transition to Senior Schooling
Year 9
Visit subject selection evening to find your passion
Choose elective subjects to focus your learning
Develop independence and respect for other cultures during Year 9 Camp
Prepare for senior with increased learning and assessment rigour
© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Mary's College (2020)