Our prayer life is a community experience where we connect with our St Mary’s Community of St Mary’s Parish and St Mary’s Primary School. We celebrate Mass; we pray the prayers of our patrons to help us in our journey of living the values of the Patrons.
The St Mary's College Prayer
We give thanks
For our College,
where minds ignite.
A respectful
where hearts unite.
In service
we find purpose,
In courage
we stand strong,
Through justice
we ensure that all
At St Mary’s
We show compassion
and care.
May our actions
reflect the values we share.
May the Spirits
of Rice and McAuley
us to create the
world You desire.
Guided by JESUS,
help us to lead,
fair and true to all
in need.
Mother Mary,
pray for us as we
pray for one another.
Brisbane Catholic Education, St Mary's College (2020)